Photo of me this morning
The truth Is I do more, with myself and my life. I have a dream of inner most peace, I am greatful for what I did have life, sobriety, and renewed faith. I also am glad for being here, and alive. I miss my folks, I hope things come through this week. I am close to finical enlightenment, going back to school, at the young age of 27, I look really pretty, and am passing and blending in more.
I ran into a trans-man friend recently who is in the program and has little less than 2 months, maybe I wil sponsor him. I understand what its like to struggle with yourself. And suffer. I hope he gets it. I think gina masten is still in jail, I might go visit when I go to Houston, but prob bely not.
I dreamed more recently of life, and enlightenment more. I also slept good and ok, and have been taking good care of myself, and I want life and love, I fear being alone all of my life, I fear loosening what I could have.
I cant resent the past, Texas, Houston. Ive also noticed my emotions have been a little off the wall as of late, and across the board, its odd and obscure on how I feel and who I am as an Individual,.
Myself personally, its not all about me, and give me, but give back. I also had the enlightening vision of a future and life re-born again in faith, and my own personal jesus Christ as a I understand her.
I also have the enlightenment and a Bill of life, into my peace, love and higher power and own personal jesu christ, and had the enlightment of my faith and higher power. I know finace and fait, progress not prefection and life of who and what I am.
I know being in my present cirmstances scares me, greatly and dearly, into my own personal, jesus. I also know my faith, and higher power of myself and life. I miss my family, and friends, I miss having meaning but know this path is the step to rebuilding my life, I think so anyway. It hurts so much, and so good, bring the pain on within, myself.
I also know my family, church family and past hurts. My therapist conn clues and fulfills, my life I know who and what enlightenment, brings into myself and faith of my higher power I need my personal jesus Christ for who I am, and know what I do is progressive though slowly I make progress down the circle of life, into the path to the future. Ive been walking more as of late, and know its the correct path for my life and faith and higher power.
Ive been getting mamed more and more and miss. I also know my dad will always be my dad, and I have the resentment
I am loved, by myself, sometimes I get lonely, I hurt to share parts of my life, pain and suffering with otters, but I am attractive sometimes, I feal sexy today and beautiful more and more. I know who and what I am for myself, and love myself moreover. I am myself and own personal jesus chrrist
I also have not been sleeping as much as I should but I am taking good care of myself, I bought some new foundation this week, and tried out some new power and blush. I also did my hair again it looks pretty. I also have some things to pick up, I need new shoes, its amazing how fast you go through shoes, these got dirty sort of the canvas ballet flats, I should have picked a different color maybe I can clean the canvas.
I also have a few things I need to do, and for myself and life I don't know what, I might stay where I am given its closer to downtown atm. I also miss my folks, I further worked on a 1st step and composing the letter to MLS and DLG
I also have to do some name and maker change, I'm going to get a noterised letter for the TSA when flying given I am terriefed of government officals, and law enfrocment mainly due to being abused by such, on occasion and sometimes I would intentionaly put myself in that suitution and matter.
I get hit on a lot not being like overly trashy I duno I have new wardrobe, I scarfaced a lot to achive where I AM and I am starting to reap the re-wards as such and the enlightment I have been given the gift of life.
--Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Web Mistress leemcg.com
PO Box 425081
San Francisco, CA 94142
(713) 578-0016
http://mlgaetjens.livejournal.com (blog)
http://mlgaetjens.photobucket.com (photos)
http://www.leemcg.com/ (Website)
http://www.transitioningfemale.com/ (blog simulcast untill transfered to moveable type)
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