Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Slept well last night, awoke this morning, Cleaned up, untagged my hair, and fixed it nice, I’ve been roughing it for a few days, I cleaned and groomed myself, have a few things to finish up tonight. Have some items to pick up at the drug store as well, bills to pay, duties.
Doing some step work with my sponsor this weekend, I also have some other goals to achieve. My garnishments have further increased in various matters, which I am forced to make amends to for past transgressions in California, Texas and Louisiana.
Had a wonderful 7am meeting at the San Francisco Alano Club, Saw Tammy today as well. I wrote some code, I am going to get a California DMV Printout as well. Got a photo of a guy pissing on the market street. The un edited life of San Francisco Downtown and The Tenderloin and South of Market areas, I posted this my blog.
My life sucks, but I am accountable for my actions, and inactions. My sponsor wants me to follow through with a few items and also I have a trip to Athron, CA upcoming to handle some affairs. A taxi driver position is a doorstep to better things, even if alas a bit dangerous in the troubled economy, and the dangerous Hunters Point and Western Addison as well as the Tenderloin.
I am off to have a happy new year, and to fast as well. My partner wants me to go out for new years, but alas I decline she and I are becoming more and more distant in life, my growth and innerpersonal enlightment, and further discovering life and what doesn’t work
Leigh "LEE" McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Web Mistress leemcg.com
PO Box 425081
San Francisco, CA 94142
(713) 578-0016
http://mlgaetjens.livejournal.com (blog)
http://mlgaetjens.photobucket.com (photos)
http://www.leemcg.com/ (Website)
http://www.transitioningfemale.com/ (blog simulcast untill transfered to moveable type)
mlgaetjens- yahoo messenger
mlgaetjens2038 - aim/aol messenger
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