Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I was sexually assaulted yesterday, didn’t encounter any trans-phobia at SF general, got checked out they took a report, slept 4 hours, awoke, took care of my affairs, than did laundry, I also made contact with the Mormon Bishop and will share some e-mails in a bit. But first,
My attacker may have been someone or a stalker from my blog and/or AA. I sometimes obscure things, or delay posts. In addition, I did not get the snickers when they found out I was a Transsexual, and also initially they had trouble locating me in databases. I pass my gender role even better and better. IT feels good to be back.
More recently, more of my blackout in San Francisco a year and half ago is remembered. I also spoke to my diesel dyke friend. Who is a big part of my continued sobriety and establishing myself positively in San Francisco.
I’m grateful for
1.) Health
2.) Being assertive
3.) Youth
4.) Beauty
5.) Pride
The List
1.) Mail
2.) Call sponsor
3.) Write code
4.) Do work for client
5.) Laundry
6.) Meeting
I moved on from my disagreement, with christen, and made closure in those matters. In January imp going to problem take steps to become a Taxi Driver in San Francisco, I also plan to do a few other things.
I vet made some progress in some fanatical areas in my life, I also had an amazing experience on Sunday looking for a replacement razor, the unit and cartages are hard to locate had luck at 18th and Castro Walgreens.
I spoke to DLG is sick, I also want to speak to whoever hurt me, that you’re not going to scare me away from blogging. I made progress not perfection. I was abducted by two police impersonators in a ex police auto with fake badges, the guy who forced me to perform protected oral sex I may know from aa and may have been stalking me. He knew details I shared in a few meetings in the East Bay, as well as things from my blog and website.
Here is the attached Letters to and from my Mormon bishop even though I’m not Mormon, It’s still part of my 12-step work.
es we could, I don't know if that's something I'm ready to do. I wish
to discuss that with my therapist and sponsor. My website, blog and
other sites cross linked and googling me would be a best way into my
I had a very bad and unwelcoming experience with one of the members in
the family ward whom I still see in the city. on my last time I
resided in San Francisco and Led to a relapse. I do want to build a
relationship, and share my story of how I feel the church failed me. I
don't ever think Id be able to come back, as the church is not very
accepting of individuals as myself.
The church was a big part of my drinking and "death wish" I disagree
with various church policy's and also at least one of the
dis-fellowshipable offences in the church hand book of instructions.
which more insight could be gained.
I had a bad night and was sexually assaulted for the 3rd time in my
life, and was unable to speak with you long. I would like to allow you
in my life, but I have great pain of walking though those doors, given
an abusive co-workers, failed relationship, and a abusive employer led
me to start binge drinking.
I Joined the church as McInnis Lee Gaetjens in Harvey, LA in 2001, I
attended high school with a member, I was officaly baptised in 2004,
By elder jeff jones at the West bank Ward In Harvey, LA shortly after
my mothers death.
Between 2005-2007 I was active and eventually less active and left in
the church in Baton Rouge, Houston, Dallas, Austin, Salt Lake, New
York, Los Angles, Portland, and Seattle as well as rural east Texas
wards Started drinking Post Katrina, when the abuse started and Law
environment was unhelpful. I was struggling with issues, and suicide.
My name here is my legal name and Ive gone though a lot of changes
from 2005, Ive been sober as of 7-13-2007 at Lambda Center in Houston,
Texas, was in the Harris County Jail in Jan, and served 45 days
between April and may of 2007. for disorderly conduct, resisting
arrest, terror threat.
My blog / website attracts 20,000 - 30,000 hits a month, and have
many loyal followers. Since its launch in 2006, Ive taken some info
down and used it for political reasons, I also own many other domains.
I disagree with the church on Prop 8. and it made me angry.
I belive the person who attacked me may be from an aa meeting and may
have used some information off my blog to hurt me, but it will not
stop me from being true to myself and allowing me to blog, and post on
the web.
with the help of google you can find one of the letters I sent to
church headquarters regarding prop 8.
which I also was unable to deliver to you
Leigh "Lee" McInnis Gaetjens
PO Box 425081 San Francisco, CA 94142
(713) 578-0016 www,leemcg.com * leemcg@leemcg.com (415) 678-0859
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Bishop Or Branch President
San Francisco YSA Ward
1601 22nd ave San Francisco, CA 94142
Subject: prop 8 from a (prior) member whom was NOT ex-commutated
Dear Bishopric of San Francisco,
My (Prior) Name was McInnis Lee Gaetjens; I was born on January 18th
1981 to Kathryn McInnis Gay and Martin Clark Gaetjens, to good
parents. My father in my youth started binge drinking and became an
alcoholic. My parents split my mother went back to her hometown of New
Orleans, LA. My father was originally from New York City. My Parents
moved here in the late 1960s/ early 1970s.
I was a convert to the church in Harvey, LA at the west bank Its ward,
under the bishopric and later branch president of John Friday whom
served there for a years and later resigned due to being displaced by
his job with hurricane Katrina.
I was semi-active in the New Orleans YSA ward, the the Brays Bayou YSA
Yard in Houston, Texas. I fell away from the church in Louisiana long
before Katrina. I do believe in the church, but my Transsexual /Gender
Identity and sexual orientation, caused me much comfort, with
relocating to Houston, Texas for my job after Katrina. For a while, I
was with the Sam Houston YSA Ward, under Bishop Craig Petty.
I started binge drinking around Christmas 2005, and drank until
7-13-2007 off and on, struggling with my issues, I am writing this
letter to this disgust and questionable legal status of the church as
a 501(c)3 non-profit meddling in police rallying and activism.
I also can tell you from personal experience in cities I have visited
many people don't speak up, about the pain, I drank because I was
afraid, I was abused at my job in Houston, I was abused in my
apartment, I had my home violated, and was blackmailed and extorted
due to the state of Texas, my drinking and self-distortive behavior.
It is likely I will never recive justice for my hate crime and sexual
assault by co-workers. I could not turn to the church for help,
however I do know many closeted members even some married and on
bishoprics, high councils, and other callings.
The point is the church teaches that we are supposed to be kind and
loving, and respectful of individually, many of us commit suicide,
adultery or drink or fall into other vices. I think the church should
change just as it did with African Americans and the priesthood in
The church widespread discirmaties in a state, and sponsors
discirmation for voters and individuals freedoms and civil liberties .
The local leadership and high counsel and headquarters in salt lake
city should allow us equal privileges and rights
I would like to sit down and discuss this matter with you
I can be reached at
(415) 678-0859
Leigh McInnis Gaetjens is my current legal name
PO Box 425081
San Francisco, CA 94142
WWW. LEEMCG.COM(blog/photos/art/webpage)
For the most Part, I still do believe in the church but why should I
worship where I am actively persecuted against, and I do follow the
principles and teaching of the church, with the exception of some,
which discriminate and are old and dated to GLBTQ members.
The reason I became sober at Lambda Center in Houston Texas was due to
having a vision, similar to Joseph smith, I was in an auto accident,
and was Tazered, beaten, and handcuffed and lost 3 hours of my life in
cardaric arrest, heart attacks and blackouts in Jan 2007 ,
Furthermore, band as a direct result to my actions served sometime in
The Harris County Jail Saw my (dead) mother, relative and also was
told I was loved, and still feel my heavenly father, and know he loves
me for the real "me".
it angers me that I am unwelcome to worship in a church whom actively
discriminates against Transsexual-women, and I left, I would love to
rejoin, but why rejoin if I am unwelcome.
Your sister in Christ and Sobriety,
Leigh "LEE" McInnis Gaetjens
WWW.LEEMCG.COM - Loud & proud
"Born Californian, Raised Cajun (With Gravy & Lagniappe), Came Out Texan"
> Hi Lee,
> We could talk on Sunday January 4 in the afternoon or Monday evening
> January 5. We meet at the building at 22nd and Lawton.
> Bishop Laymon
Leigh "LEE" McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Web Mistress leemcg.com
PO Box 425081
San Francisco, CA 94142
(713) 578-0016
http://mlgaetjens.livejournal.com (blog)
http://mlgaetjens.photobucket.com (photos)
http://www.leemcg.com/ (Website)
http://www.transitioningfemale.com/ (blog simulcast untill transfered to moveable type)
mlgaetjens- yahoo messenger
mlgaetjens2038 - aim/aol messenger