Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Slept good last night awoke early, took MUNI out, and headed to a meeting a bit later. Have a bit more on my addenda this morning. Awoke early this morning, feel better rested than last night, maybe I was upset yesterday about the multisided of bad news, were confused on BART AND TOOK the wrong AC Transit and Merry Go Round, and MUNI and had to shuffle some appointments.

Maybe I try too hard, I have been told that many times. It’s a defect of mine, I struggle to find place is the GLBTQ community, I know whom I am, I also can be arrogant, miss goody too shoes, stuck up, bitch, and also very strive for indpdeiance, striating, freedom, liberty and justice for all.

Moreover I admit I don’t indentify other than common bond with most transgender communities or find, my whole Life I’ve been odd, either square, gay, gender queer, Mormon, My LDS mormon phase is coming to an end, ive moved on with my life, they are fine individuals and long term I would not mind living, working or visiting salt lake city as a tourist, but also have dreams of miles of pavement with a pickupruck camper and a motorcycle.

Maybe I’m an outlaw in the GLBTQ community as a whole, I am so Utley picky and too good for myself and others around me. Maybe I just want to be left alone in solitude given though I am an amazing person and true individual and in pedant who plays by her own rules.

Gratitude Real Life experience and confessionals
I saw a guy last night whom was so plastered drunk, whom also ironically strongly resembled not Michal Richards but Kenney Cramer whom the charter off Seinfeld was based. Near the corner of 8th and mission, he walked into a brick wall of the doorway of the PG&E substation than hit is his head, on a fire department standpipe than a light pole and parking meter, than staggerly jaywalked, and made his way home to a side street and hit his head on the gate. He was so drunk the cops would have arrested him for his safety. I hope he is ok, and given I had this Esperance one.

Gratitude List.
1.) Grateful to not have been the massively drunk guy I saw last night that walked into a brick wall
2.) Grateful of the wonderful San Francisco weather.
3.) Grateful for being able to work the steps and have sobriety
4.) Grateful of being able to calmly talk about things, and be honest.
5.) Grateful to be able to be able to have gratitude and optimism.

The List today
1.) Meeting step work, call people
2.) Drop off documents, check PMB & Po box
3.) Finish home work in Excel, word and Publisher
4.) Do something fun
5.) Be nice, and happy and have gratitude

Furthermore, I shall share a few confessionals I have.
1.) On a gender queer phase as a messenger , in the Houston Galleria Office tower shortly before informs senators get caught in rest-room sting operations, I had a similar unknown experience, in the galleria office tower complex but I rejected and didn’t even know about foot tapping
2.) On a drunken excursion to New Orleans, I got hit on, got wasted at the whirling dervish left with the band, and then they were a little upset
3.) On another drinking occasion I can contest that the river oaks right wing republicans and even some members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and the so called Mormons / LDS are the freakiest most sexuality repressed in Harris county, and big perverts in Houston.
4.) On Another occasion I had sex inside the post oak club with someone whom we would not normal mix who we relapsed with
5.) On another occasion I had sex inside the delta club with someone whom we would not normally mix, whom we relapsed with

Oh I Might call becca perry today as well.
Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Web Mistress
PO Box 425081
San Francisco, CA 94142
(713) 578-0016 (blog) (photos) (Website) (blog simulcast untill transfered to moveable type)
mlgaetjens- yahoo messenger
mlgaetjens2038 - aim/aol messenger

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