Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday, August 01, 2008

The Discovery of myself, and further enlighten. Had a successful inquiry at the Transgender Law Center, I have been sick again, Talked to MLS a bit last night, and spoke to PMG and DLG this morning. I also worry a lot about myself, life and also just need my space, and searching for myself.

Met some amuseing bloggers in mild amusement, for myself. I worked on some site code late last night, have some bills and amends to make today

Reading on Slashdot today about the Department Of Homeland Security and the further loss of us as Americans of our civil li vbeitys, freedom of speech, and further loss of our constructional rights and freedoms, treating the land of the free, home of the brave all of us as suspects, criminals, and terrorist. Is wrong.

It’s wrong when DHS, can take your laptop, iPod, cell phone, documents, papers, pocket trash, etc we are headed into dangerous terrorty violating and treating invidious as criminal, profiling and fishing expiations where everyone is a suspect and what happened to inioncant into proven guilty?

It’s wrong what we have become in a post 9-11 bush adminsattion, Bush was the president that made me switch teams, and become an Independent, Civil Liberation, Green Party member, swing voter.

I had a somewhat more open and less evasive talk with MLS last night, I am a bit bitchly, my blog pressure is low, and I admit sometimes I am hard on my body.


1.) Grateful for being able to admit my faults with diet, sleep, excersie and other necessary factors
2.) Grateful to be able to be able to commutate my feelings
3.) Grateful to be able to be honest with my thrpesit, family, friends, aquances
4.) Grateful to be in san Francisco
5.) Grateful knowing I am being true to myself

The inner personal enlighten for myself. I know more about myself, and who I am as an individual and where I want to go today, and who I am as a person, and where I need to go for myself. I know and am somewhat at times not afraid and even if I am I move forward.

It is an outrage they allowed the individual who went on a driving rampage and killed one person and injured 12 others to go to the state loony bin, he committed murder, in a Honda pilot.

Today I have to
1.) Check mail & Send Mail
2.) Copy documents for travel and transport
3.) Print forms to file
4.) Drop off items at off site location
5.) Do Billpayments
6.) Rest / relax (dark kinight?)
7.) Eat well
8.) Take a nap (If I have time)
9.) BART / AC Transit / MUNI
Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Web Mistress
PO Box 425081
San Francisco, CA 94142
(713) 578-0016 (blog) (photos) (Website) (blog simulcast untill transfered to moveable type)
mlgaetjens- yahoo messenger
mlgaetjens2038 - aim/aol messenger

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