Wednesday, December 26, 2007

life in space city and the islands


The growth of myself, and sobriety and being humble. I found out recently that while the calls were not being transferred from aa intergroup but as up to 1pm today if you called the LAMBA center, you received calls to my personal cell phone a minor oversight. The other factor is sonny tried to use his cell phone to turn of the call forwarding the insanity of age and oversight between generations.

They had a really good 12:15 meeting at lambda today, I missed the eyes wide shut due to a rough night on call at lambda, crackpots, drunks., people with sobriety and also suicidal crisis, al-anons wives of drunk husbands, people regretting drinking, and people who just got out of county jail, and others.

It was a rough night answering calls for the day after Christmas in the 10 county metro area, But I am alive, I went to a meeting on Galveston island yesterday, after my run on the island, and did not get much sleep last night.

Recently, I composed more thoughts of what to discuss of my plans, the sanity and lack of sane living. I hurt knowing and Had some flash backs to my mother on Galveston island, in meetings, and out and about and around town.

I value my sobriety, life, love and a dry fist. I also know folks in meetings know they do not want to see me drinking, I have to be honest and admit my faults, seek help and ask and you shall get the knowledge and sanity you require.

I must do not monkey hold miss prissy hand, it doesn't work that way. I am grateful to grow have enlightenment and start over, one day at a time. I also will not bug folks and shut the fuck up more to grow and live and learn more.

Today is my dead aunt AM who I was with when she died in 2000 a year before My mother roughly around 18 years old, someone at one of the churches I occasionally visit in Houston reminds me of her, furthermore I learned more about myself, and passed the motel and beach house my mother stayed at with SRK and another ex and friend late into her life.

My mother was cool and ok, I think she drank occasionally, even though I never saw her drunk nor my family drunk the dry drunk dysfunctional was there none the less, I grew today more about life, and the unknown and fear there of.

I also learned more about choosing life, being positive outgoing and assertive opening up admitting defeat and being fucking honest, and taking fucking accountability for my life, actions and most importantly the past, present and future and being honest, committed, loyal with myself

Ate sort of ok, today had a baked potato from midtown BBQ, the HPD Narc squad is out and about kicking ass and rounding up snitches in the wards and hood, busting dealers and rolling them against each other gotta love your tax dollars at work

The truth also more so talked to MM and set up a apointment with Dr Sami what the hell cant fucking hurt? Im here now things change and shit happens if Im not fucking here than it wont fucking matter.

Went to a meeting and feel less miss barbie bitch, opened up and just well let go over to my higher power and enjoyed the AL ahton, on christmass- eve

Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Web Mistress
PO Box 66471
Houston, Texas 77266-6471
(713) 578-0016 (blog) (photos) (Website) (blog simulcast untill transfered to moveable type)

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