Friday, December 7, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007

I ran into Carolyn Bosnia last night at the korger, I did not speak to her given a conflict of interest and past transgressions would have put her at odd. Oddly enough maybe I have been humbled, I was not scared of her or the fact Christan Williams was in the store, I wasn't in the best of spirits, not to mention that I slipped on some glaze, and the employee who left the spill unattended and would have gotten in trouble and I wasn't hurt, I was worried about staining my relatively new jeans. But I came home and w ashed it out.

Bitched out the nightbour, and promptly admitted it she and I are so much the fuck alike, shes Like the oracle on the matrix, My favorite dvd as of late. Plus switch is hotness.

In other news, I ate my strawberry's, and blueberry's and ate way to much at lubes ate some chicken fired chicken and lubys potatoes and green beans and Mexican cornbread which no Mexicans where harmed in the production of, I'm going running tonight before bed other than the massive smog and ozone its a beautiful day in space city the weather we urn for.

I have decided that if I am unable to get the help, I need everything here is expendable. I hope I can get help, mend burned bridges but have decided I would rather be homeless start over with less, cut family, personal and past ties if thats what it takes, above all I will have sobriety

My top priority's in life, are:

  1. severity

  2. Transition

  3. education & employment

  4. spiritual well being

  5. aa – working with a new sponsor

  6. Physical Fitness

  7. Writing, poetry, web design, blogging

  8. Honesty, commutation, openness

  9. listening and respecting others boundaries.

  10. Respecting myself and others around me

Hopefully 2008 will be more progressive, I need to take the change roughly after traffic court, which If things are not fixable, I will jump ship anything is expendable to get the fuck out of town and cut a lot of ties. I have already done the research made local ties, and made plans just in case people are not dependable my sobriety is first above all else.

I must do whats right for me.

The other factor is I have to do it right one day at a time, if the judge in traffic court doesn't want to dismiss, or reset I have even pondered spending time in jail again just to get the fuck out of Texas before summer.

Love lee in heart, and spirit. But getting help wherever I end up is more important

Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Web Mistress
PO Box 66471
Houston, Texas 77266-6471
(713) 578-0016 (blog) (photos) (Website) (blog simulcast untill transfered to moveable type)

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