Monday, December 10, 2007


Talked to mealine today, had a productive day. I love myself and feel very good and confiantr about myself today. And dont want the action and adventure today. Have some tasks to finish later this week. And had success.

Im toughing it out, and accepting the concequences of my actions, the pain hurts, talked so someone else. The hollidays suck, went grocery shopping for a craveing this weekend. Ate a whole bag of the korger sour cream and onion potato chips, and green onion kroger brand dip than ran and a ¼ of diet coke that ran it off, to deak with the pain and watch my weight.

Also have a plan for later tonight for a applacation for doing some airline work, I miss traveling on the open road, with adventure and such. A short or regional haul thorugh semi-rual houston texas outside the gird lock might be fun or mildly amuseing

Went to the post office, some documents showed up others did not. My policy and documents also arrived. I know my website was used against me in a civil ligation and other matters as my blog. Blah.

I also grow tired of someone not getting the message of my bounderies and respecting me my needs, wants and desires one day at a time. Austin might be where I start over before doing my excursion to my birthplace of Oakland, CA and the Bay Area.

I miss my folks but Im not going home this season, is for pondering medation, fitness and thought and self-reflection and growth.

Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Web Mistress
PO Box 66471
Houston, Texas 77266-6471
(713) 578-0016 (blog) (photos) (Website) (blog simulcast untill transfered to moveable type)

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