Monday, November 26, 2007


The message is clear, my time is texas runs out soon. The date and plan of jumping ship grows near. I have a few matters to take care of and runing away makes good seince if I remain sober. Things are turning from bad to worse, Im going to try and ride it out but If I must Leave I will due to I have to escape houston, and texas and the lone star state.

The facts are going into play, The time, place and method of escape if running thin., I shall keep my promosies soon, and I have less than 60-90 days in the lone star state. If its going to happen lets do this, and blow this joint. Get the fuck on already.

Pray for me those who, love and those who care if you extend the olive branch I would apricate it, if the person still reads my blog who knows who this is. Please extend the branch. I hope you do. I dont want to cause others pain, which Me remaining here will . Please allow me to try and get your help I want it, I have been denyed help. I am going to try one more time through the county, But if it fails rather than end up on the streets my life slowly going into shambles, I will run away on the rail, plane or bus. I will leave even though I understood you turning your back on me. I am not angry at you, I forgive you and understand I have someone else also like that.

Please give me a message even anonmous if you still care, and I can use your resoucre I want help and cant get any other than to go completaly sucidal or homicidal insane which I am not, please help me, if you get this message still read my blog or care, miss olive branch please extend yourself.

Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Web Mistress
PO Box 66471
Houston, Texas 77266-6471
(713) 578-0016 (blog) (photos) (Website) (blog simulcast untill transfered to moveable type)

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