Friday, November 16, 2007


My body is in massive pain, my back hurts, and I lack the task of sleeping at night, the cold is ungodly. My body is in pain. I have to rest. Clean house tonight, and go to a birthday party tomorrow night. I also have much to do, paper work this weekend. And try and get to the doctor. I dislike going to the doctor. I will walk out if I don't feel respected. And I don't like people touching me. In general.

I could not sleep I binge ate junk food last night when I have cravings, I don't follow my veg ways when I have cravings to drink. Which I don't get often, I watched terminator 3 and ironically enough there was a T3 edition tundra parked out on Mount Vernon and Boonie Brae this morning how fucked up is that.

I slept most of the night off and on restless, awoke this morning feeling sick and blah. Its just never ends, My tailgate cables, and assembly came in. and I have to take it to the shop for the mirror and than change my backup bulb and a few other things for my annual state inspection. And try and take some PM tonight to sleep better.

Made a few new friends and I am trying to rebuild my life, let go. And I have made loads of progress, and melamine even said she might take me into a hate crimes group. I resent the fact. I was home before 9PM last night not looking for trouble.

Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Web Mistress
PO Box 66471
Houston, Texas 77266-6471
(713) 578-0016 (blog) (photos) (Website) (blog simulcast untill transfered to moveable type)

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