Monday, May 12, 2008


Had a producive day, recently also publised the documents in the legal notices section for the next few dates, have doctors apointments, and commitments to meet friends, and other things this weekend, and a few leads on places more regulr.

I took care of TX dot, and Texas DPS with the new name documents, as well as other factors, I also have to shop around for auto insurance and other things, I might move in with a dyke household in the east bay or maybe down in Ingleside, possbily. Or maybe out to tresure island.

I took more photos down in the mission area, and Spent most of today inside San Francisco Courthouse fileing documents. I slept well. And also awoke early, and checked my mail at the post office, I also make steps to take care of my 2006, and 2007 Tax years.

My truck I might register as a FARM Truck, and also put handicaped plates on it as well. I talked to a few friends and old aquaincenace, more and took care of other things. I uploaded some code, and posted documents on my secure server, and fixed some buggy code, and worked on my fourm system.

I called a few folks which given my father, and the honesty which his past and resentments might out his domestic abuse, I have someone pooling around his past, I just think his wife should know, as should his students, and he doesnt want to admit he hit my mother, relpase and he met me. I grow tired of his lies and deception. But never the less he is my closet living realitve and all of his life was nothing more than a sperm doner, and lied to the state the only reason he came to visit me beofre I was 18, is so he could show the court he was a “father” and Lie, Ill be happy to buy him a drink until he admits, he lied, he got immgrant woman who he takes advange of, and plays the perfect husband and mAN, I wonder if he abuses her.

If it came out any police reports or procideings of my mothers legal sepertioin and or devorse, of what He did to her and me, he could be forced into retirement as an advisor. Which is the law now in california, I can be a cold hearted bitch.

But Thats not my intent, I want to get to know my dad, but my dad does not have the right, and has to live with the fact of who I am. I also postively idenifed his wife, and current contact info, for when I out his dirty laundry.

I paid my debit and moved on, and only want to inform the public, uc berkely and his mostly female undergrad students whom are in danger, not to say I miss prissy but he is a lier, user and while doesnt drink, doesnt admit fualt,. I can admit my mother lied, used me, but shes not her to defend her self. He spent money that he should not have drank, hit my mother, gambled, spent all day being a absaint father on the weekends at the ballpark, left my mother alone with me young, and was verbaly and emotionaly abusive, he with his 21 years, needs to admit he relapsed and my mother left him, and did not press charges, and doemstic voilance, and child abuse was very different between 1981-1985. In the regan sexist, aids, anti-homosexual, era.

I had a good day I am off to bed early, some laudnry might be in question tommorow, but I have many affairs to tend to later, and also maybe some shopping, possibly some shoe shopping with a friend. I also need to clean house and make sure my house is in otder before I out my dad for the crock of shit lier he is. I also told a few friends for my safety just as my dad and I fought, he thrreatened to kill me also. And I told him to go to hell. (over the phone)

I also have a new crush ona dyke, but beofre any more insane relashsions, school, work I need to get my life and own hose in order, for my soul. Anyway the earthquakes as of late concern, me its tough times in america, the economy, war, jobs, downsizieng, forclosure the economy and country as a whole has gone in the crapper.

Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Web Mistress
PO Box 425081
San Francisco, CA 94142
(713) 578-0016 (blog) (photos) (Website) (blog simulcast untill transfered to moveable type)
mlgaetjens- yahoo messenger
mlgaetjens2038 - aim/aol messenger

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