Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008
My blog gets aprox 10,000 and 30,000 Hits a month, I’m a pretty popular blogger and Net Personality, just to think back in 2005, 2006 I was unhappy in the bottle, between Chances, Numbers, Dan electros, Rudyard’s, Montrose Mining co, JRs, South Beach struggling to find myself in Houston as well as occasionally the popularity, and the BRB.
And the historical reasons I launched MY website was a disagreement I had with an individual and a to have a safe a place to express myself and explore myself, and also document my life reality tv style via a blog , I had a disagreement similar but not as extreme and being sober I think it’s wrong what they want to come back.
Now I should Note, I did not repeat transgressions or hurt anyone in Houston. Or cross boundaries, and they are being assholes, yet I respect their wishes and I am welcome back, but I will not allow them to talk to my therapist,
the reason why we have confidentially laws, are clear for respect and privacy, it’s wrong to ask me to stay away for six months, which I go to this group in another county far away from San Francisco on the Train.
Furthermore, the wrong part is after six Months if I don’t breach my confidentiality and give into their demands, They are to call the police and have me arrested and will obtain a trespass affidavit,
My answer is to attempt to come to a mutual compromise, but they are being assholes, which some members on this so-called board are not transsexuals, they are cross dressers, drag queens, and queers but they do have some amazing ts folk who side with me, but not the majority.
I have always been an outlaw, outcast and a topic of debate in the GLBTQ and Transgender community as a whole, with some of my political viewpoints, commentary,
In addition, some of my onions that groups should be tailor toward active transsexuals rather than transgender individuals, which we have many individuals in the San Francisco bay area, that are not infact, transgender, and need other issues worked out.
The other day, I ran into a friend from the Harris County Jail who was with a former business partner of mine from Houston, who wanted to set me up with running firearms, and getting back into the loan sharking, extortion, etc. I declined, I reformed my life. Im proud of myself. I got out of that lifestyle.
Had a fight with a friend last night, and was very angry. I thought I’d also bitch about some other issues which is outrageous and unacceptable, the San Francisco TG community has a 50% unemployment rate, I recently had an interview doing something I did not want t to do in a mixed crowed place 50/50 gay and straight and employees as well as working as hired muscle for special events but the reason they don’t want to hire me is because I might offend or confuse some of their heterosexual clientele.
sometimes I’m decimated against if I allow my sexual orientation to be known, sometimes I’m discriminated against due to past offences in Texas, I was decimated against above of who god made me as a person, that hurts.
Sometimes just seeking medical care is a chore, and I am subject to description it takes folks to get fed up much as Icons Rosa parks, and Martin Luther King Jr did to stand up, not be afraid of the law, and to take action for your rights and to stand up for yourself.
Ill share about some of the discrimation, I was turned away from a battered women’s place in ale media county once because, I was TG, I needed a safe place to stay for three days, and to get some help in reporting police brutality by the San Francisco Police Department Northern District and violation of my civil rights in Late Jan 2008 and Early Feb. 2008.
The point is we don’t have unity, or leaders who are willing to risk all as I am, I am amazing brave, and a leader, and self starter, I have my fathers liberal roots and desire to run away from new York city to the bay area, my mother’s Cajun New Orleans liberal aptitude, and a Texas style redneck shoot em up to where Law Enforcement doesn’t intimated me. We need more folks like Ray Hill, Phyllis Frye, Christen Williams, Theresa Sparks, Julia Oliver, Clair Fairly, Terri Waller, Valerie Shields, and others not mentioned.
Some of the individuals I listed were largely instrumental to me coming out, and people even if estranged from I highly respect. I feel a lot of my anger is not handling rejection well, I hope one day, I can return to Texas (ideally Houston, Dallas or Austin) move to LA or Alternatively, Portland or Seattle.
I am glad I still have some supporters, informants of goings on and others In Houston. I keep tabs on individuals and the happenings in the community even have made political contributions and donations given activism, even if controversial activism and I admit I’m not always right or do the right thing by my friends, and supporters. Nevertheless, I’m loyal, and in the TG Family, and I work and try too hard.
I slept well, I am still a bit sick, have to recharge, I should be performing domesticated laundry tasks today, but I am a lazy cunt. Moreover, don’t have the Entergy today. I need some r&r. But being the tough as nails former diesel dyke, which I flushed down the tubes, I am going to do some programming and send off a few documents today.
I used to believe in Liberty, Justice, and equality for all. Despite being an asshole, pig headed right wing nut job. I used too believe in tradition, now IM a different reformed person.

Anyway its wet rainy day in san francisco and I know Ill be ok. Im just another screwed up individual living in a world unaccepting. But IM sick of it, and want to find a partner in crime who fills my defects in my personality.
But don’t we all?

Leigh "LEE" McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Web Mistress
PO Box 425081
San Francisco, CA 94142
(713) 578-0016 (blog) (photos) (Website) (blog simulcast untill transfered to moveable type)
mlgaetjens- yahoo messenger
mlgaetjens2038 - aim/aol messenger

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